Sunday, February 16, 2020

Opinion Piece 1 - Tuition

A Free Education


February 16th, 2020

             Now imagine not having the opportunity to pursue a further education after high school. Many would agree that a good education is important for a bright future. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a post-secondary education. The transition into free tuition would be good idea for British Columbia, because a higher education should not be considered a luxury where only those who can afford college may attend but should be opportunity for anyone with curiosity. A higher education is important within today’s society because it provides an open door for more careers than you would get with only a high-school diploma.  I believe that modern school fees truly limit the protentional of many young students in British Columbia.

            Currently, many students have been more likely to choose a major that have a more lucrative income. According to Ellen Andersen from College Raptor, students who go down this path often astray from their true passions and actual areas of interests. If shelling out thousands of dollars for an education was no longer a factor, students would be able to relax and gain the freedom in choosing an area of study that interests them without constantly being concerned of needing a large payback associated. With this, many students would find enjoyment within their studies, causing an increase in devotion and chances of them finishing their degrees. The opportunity for students to study without the large bill of a college education would allow for an increase of attendees, and therefore creates a more educated workforce and a higher population of those with better critical thinking skills.

             All in all, having a tuition free post-secondary education in British Columbia would allow students to not have a constant reminder of repaying student loans in the future, but rather be able to attend college pursuing in an area of study freely. This way students can focus on their studies and long-time goals that are beneficial for them. So how can we fix this? The provincial government should attempt in providing a source of open discussion as a voice for today’s younger citizens regarding tuition fees and take any necessary action forward.


“The Pros and Cons of Tuition-Free College” by Ellen Andersen